Wednesday, February 27, 2019

[llvm assembler] fix relocation symbol flow

$ cat ppc-br-test.s
  bge 0, .LBB0_4
  bge 0, .LBB0_5
$ llvm-mc -triple powerpc64le-unknown-unknown --show-encoding ppc-br-test.s
  bge 0, .LBB0_4 # encoding: [0bAAAAAA00,A,0x80,0x40]
                 #   fixup A - offset: 0, value: .LBB0_4, kind: fixup_ppc_brcond14
  bge 0, .LBB0_5 # encoding: [0bAAAAAA00,A,0x80,0x40]
                 #   fixup A - offset: 0, value: .LBB0_5, kind: fixup_ppc_brcond14

  blr            # encoding: [0x20,0x00,0x80,0x4e]
Code flow, use PowerPC as our target example:
bool AsmParser::Run(bool NoInitialTextSection, bool NoFinalize) {
  // Create the initial section, if requested.
  if (!NoInitialTextSection)

  // While we have input, parse each statement.
  while (Lexer.isNot(AsmToken::Eof)) {
    ParseStatementInfo Info(&AsmStrRewrites);
    if (!parseStatement(Info, nullptr))
  // Finalize the output stream if there are no errors and if the client wants
  // us to.
  if (!HadError && !NoFinalize)

  return HadError || getContext().hadError();
void MCStreamer::Finish() {
  MCTargetStreamer *TS = getTargetStreamer();
  if (TS)

bool AsmParser::parseStatement(ParseStatementInfo &Info,
                               MCAsmParserSemaCallback *SI) {
  // If parsing succeeded, match the instruction.
  if (!ParseHadError) {
    uint64_t ErrorInfo;
    if (getTargetParser().MatchAndEmitInstruction(
            IDLoc, Info.Opcode, Info.ParsedOperands, Out, ErrorInfo,
bool PPCAsmParser::MatchAndEmitInstruction(SMLoc IDLoc, unsigned &Opcode,
                                           OperandVector &Operands,
                                           MCStreamer &Out, uint64_t &ErrorInfo,
                                           bool MatchingInlineAsm) {
  MCInst Inst;

  switch (MatchInstructionImpl(Operands, Inst, ErrorInfo, MatchingInlineAsm)) {
  case Match_Success:
    // Post-process instructions (typically extended mnemonics)
    ProcessInstruction(Inst, Operands);
    Out.EmitInstruction(Inst, getSTI());
    return false;
  • MatchInstructionImpl is automatically generated by llvm TableGen
  • If we are Asm-Streamer
void MCAsmStreamer::EmitInstruction(const MCInst &Inst,
                                    const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) {
  // Show the encoding in a comment if we have a code emitter.
  AddEncodingComment(Inst, STI);

    getTargetStreamer()->prettyPrintAsm(*InstPrinter, OS, Inst, STI);
    InstPrinter->printInst(&Inst, OS, "", STI);
void MCAsmStreamer::AddEncodingComment(const MCInst &Inst,
                                       const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) {
  getAssembler().getEmitter().encodeInstruction(Inst, VecOS, Fixups, STI);

  // This show Fixups information
  // e.g. #   fixup A - offset: 0, value: .LBB0_4, kind: fixup_ppc_brcond14
void PPCMCCodeEmitter::encodeInstruction(
    const MCInst &MI, raw_ostream &OS, SmallVectorImpl<MCFixup> &Fixups,
    const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) const {
  uint64_t Bits = getBinaryCodeForInstr(MI, Fixups, STI);

  // Output the constant in big/little endian byte order.
  unsigned Size = getInstSizeInBytes(MI);
  switch (Size) {
  case 0:
  case 4:
    support::endian::write<uint32_t>(OS, Bits, E);
  • getBinaryCodeForInstr: TableGen'erated function
void MCAsmStreamer::FinishImpl() {
  ... generating dwarf info
  • If we are ELF-Streamer
void MCObjectStreamer::EmitInstruction(const MCInst &Inst,
                                       const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) {
  EmitInstructionImpl(Inst, STI);
void MCObjectStreamer::EmitInstructionImpl(const MCInst &Inst,
                                           const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) {
  MCStreamer::EmitInstruction(Inst, STI);

  MCSection *Sec = getCurrentSectionOnly();

  // Now that a machine instruction has been assembled into this section, make
  // a line entry for any .loc directive that has been seen.
  MCDwarfLineEntry::Make(this, getCurrentSectionOnly());

  // If this instruction doesn't need relaxation, just emit it as data.
  MCAssembler &Assembler = getAssembler();
  if (!Assembler.getBackend().mayNeedRelaxation(Inst, STI)) {
    EmitInstToData(Inst, STI);

  // Otherwise, relax and emit it as data if either:
  // - The RelaxAll flag was passed
  // - Bundling is enabled and this instruction is inside a bundle-locked
  //   group. We want to emit all such instructions into the same data
  //   fragment.
  if (Assembler.getRelaxAll() ||
      (Assembler.isBundlingEnabled() && Sec->isBundleLocked())) {
    MCInst Relaxed;
    getAssembler().getBackend().relaxInstruction(Inst, STI, Relaxed);
    while (getAssembler().getBackend().mayNeedRelaxation(Relaxed, STI))
      getAssembler().getBackend().relaxInstruction(Relaxed, STI, Relaxed);
    EmitInstToData(Relaxed, STI);

  // Otherwise emit to a separate fragment.
  EmitInstToFragment(Inst, STI);
void MCStreamer::EmitInstruction(const MCInst &Inst, const MCSubtargetInfo &) {
  // Scan for values.
  for (unsigned i = Inst.getNumOperands(); i--;)
    if (Inst.getOperand(i).isExpr())
void MCELFStreamer::EmitInstToData(const MCInst &Inst,
                                   const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) {
  Assembler.getEmitter().encodeInstruction(Inst, VecOS, Fixups, STI);

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Fixups.size(); i != e; ++i)

  if (Assembler.isBundlingEnabled()) {

  // Add the fixups and data.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Fixups.size(); i != e; ++i) {
void MCELFStreamer::FinishImpl() {
  // Ensure the last section gets aligned if necessary.
  MCSection *CurSection = getCurrentSectionOnly();
  setSectionAlignmentForBundling(getAssembler(), CurSection);


void MCObjectStreamer::FinishImpl() {
class MCObjectStreamer : public MCStreamer {
  /// If any labels have been emitted but not assigned fragments, ensure that
  /// they get assigned, either to F if possible or to a new data fragment.
  /// Optionally, it is also possible to provide an offset \p FOffset, which
  /// will be used as a symbol offset within the fragment.
  void flushPendingLabels(MCFragment *F, uint64_t FOffset = 0);

  /// Create a dummy fragment to assign any pending labels.
  void flushPendingLabels() { flushPendingLabels(nullptr); }
void MCObjectStreamer::flushPendingLabels(MCFragment *F, uint64_t FOffset) {
  for (MCSymbol *Sym : PendingLabels) {
// When fixup's offset is a forward declared label, e.g.:
//   .reloc 1f, R_MIPS_JALR, foo
// 1: nop
// postpone adding it to Fixups vector until the label is defined and its offset
// is known.
void MCObjectStreamer::resolvePendingFixups() {
  for (PendingMCFixup &PendingFixup : PendingFixups) {
    if (!PendingFixup.Sym || PendingFixup.Sym->isUndefined ()) {
                               "unresolved relocation offset");
    flushPendingLabels(PendingFixup.DF, PendingFixup.DF->getContents().size());
void MCAssembler::Finish() {
  // Create the layout object.
  MCAsmLayout Layout(*this);

  // Write the object file.
  stats::ObjectBytes += getWriter().writeObject(*this, Layout);
void MCAssembler::layout(MCAsmLayout &Layout) {
  // Finalize the layout, including fragment lowering.

  // Evaluate and apply the fixups, generating relocation entries as necessary.
  for (MCSection &Sec : *this) {
    for (MCFragment &Frag : Sec) {
      for (const MCFixup &Fixup : Fixups) {
        uint64_t FixedValue;
        bool IsResolved;
        MCValue Target;
        std::tie(Target, FixedValue, IsResolved) =
            handleFixup(Layout, Frag, Fixup);
        getBackend().applyFixup(*this, Fixup, Target, Contents, FixedValue,
                                IsResolved, STI);
class PPCAsmBackend : public MCAsmBackend {
  void applyFixup(const MCAssembler &Asm, const MCFixup &Fixup,
                  const MCValue &Target, MutableArrayRef<char> Data,
                  uint64_t Value, bool IsResolved,
                  const MCSubtargetInfo *STI) const override {
    Value = adjustFixupValue(Fixup.getKind(), Value);
    if (!Value) return;           // Doesn't change encoding.

    unsigned Offset = Fixup.getOffset();
    unsigned NumBytes = getFixupKindNumBytes(Fixup.getKind());

    // For each byte of the fragment that the fixup touches, mask in the bits
    // from the fixup value. The Value has been "split up" into the appropriate
    // bitfields above.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumBytes; ++i) {
      unsigned Idx = Endian == support::little ? i : (NumBytes - 1 - i);
      Data[Offset + i] |= uint8_t((Value >> (Idx * 8)) & 0xff);

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